Visual Display Showcase 2015

The 2015 National Disability Awards included a visual display showcase, a new initiative designed to draw the spotlight on Australian innovations in the disability sector.

Individuals and organisations were invited to submit a poster, sketch, photo or digital image that illustrates how their innovative new product, service or programme was improving the lives of people with disability.

Selected submissions were displayed at the National Disability Awards at Parliament House on 25 November 2015. All submissions, including those displayed at the 2015 Awards ceremony, are featured below.

Assessors looked for high quality, high impact displays that inspire others to greater heights in their efforts to increase community and workforce participation by people with disability.

Tough Ride

ABC News 24, 6:30pm, Sunday 6 December 2015.  Tough Ride is a documentary project highlighting the realities of living with an acquired brain injury as a young person in regional and remote Australia.

Stroke a Chord Choir

The Stroke a Chord Choir is for people who have “aphasia” (little or no speech) but can sing.

Solve Disability Solutions

Solve Disability Solutions is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation that makes or modifies equipment for people with disabilities.

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High-quality, unique, non-medically oriented imagery of persons with disabilities for purchase by the advertising, marketing and media sectors.


An online disability service directory that gives the opportunity to find out about services, share experiences and connect with others about issues that matter to users. and


A dance, music and drama program for people of all ages with special needs and disabilities.


Autoimmunitygirl is a blog to help advocate and raise awareness for all Autoimmune sufferers and their carers.

3 dollarNote Studios

3 dollarNote Studios is a filmmaking program for adults with an intellectual disability, providing people with disability the opportunity to participate in the modern media environment and raise awareness of their disabilities and presence in the community.

Aware Industries Ltd

Aware Industries Ltd is an Australian Disability Enterprise based in Wodonga, Victoria employing 115 supported employees.

Australian Catholic Disability Council

The mental health and housing posters are designed to educate the general Catholic community, stimulate discussion and highlight the areas that need attention to provide better inclusive practices.


Lifestart School Age Years (SAY) Inclusion Support program works with children living with disability providing community and school inclusion support.


MyWay is a new way for families that supports play.

EazyHold assistive device

EazyHold is an assistive device that is allowing children with reduced or no grip to hold toys, utensils, musical instruments, bottles.

Supporting individuals with Asperger’s/autism

Catriona Tyrrell has developed two posters to explain autism and how to interact with people on the spectrum. and

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