Social Media Terms of Use

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) uses social media to inform, engage, communicate with the Australian community.

Find us on:


The IDPwD Facebook page (@idpwd)


The IDPwD Instagram account (@idpwd_au)


The IDPwD X profile (@idpwd)

The IDPwD social media accounts are managed by the Department of Social Services. Please refer to the department’s Social Media Terms of Use which set out the rights, expectations and rules of engagement for our social media accounts.

Social Media FAQ

Will you respond to my enquiry?

We will not reply via a direct message on social media. Depending on the comment we may reply with a comment and relevant information.

Enquiries can be directed to us via our contact form.

I want to publicise my event on the IDPwD social media accounts. How can I do this?

IDPwD receives many requests to publicise and support a variety of disability-related events on social media.

We determine which events we share by assessing content against four criteria:

  1. Is the event in the interest of, and of interest to, people with disability in Australia?
  2. Is the event of a large scale, national or international?
  3. Is there a website or link available for finding more information?
  4. Will a Minister or Assistant Minister be attending or making an announcement/s at the event?

Events that meet at least three criteria will be considered for posting.

To submit an event for consideration, contact us.

Following and Sharing

From time to time, IDPwD may choose to amplify (e.g. retweet, share, tag or reference) social media content (e.g. tweets, events, posts, stories) that contains or links to information or material related to the Department of Social Services portfolio. Such amplification by IDPwD does not constitute endorsement unless accompanied by an explicit note of endorsement.

When are social media accounts monitored?

We monitor social media account from 9:00am to 5:00pm (AEST) Monday to Friday and intermittently outside business hours depending on staff availability.

Participation and Moderation Guidelines

We aim to post relevant, interesting content and welcome your comments and suggestions. We want all members of our social media networks to feel comfortable entering into informed debate and discussion. We want this to be an open and honest forum. We also want posts to be courteous and not cause offence.

In participating, you will be deemed to have agreed to the Department of Social Services Social Media Terms of Use.

Comments that pose a risk to the community will be immediately deleted. For example, scams, comments that share personal data or contact information, hate speech (racism, homophobia), threats of violence etc.


IDPwD is committed to social inclusion, and as such provides support for people with disability.

We’ve provided some links to further information about social media and accessibility:

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