Meet our IDPwD 2023 Ambassadors

One thing that I would love to shape about society, I think it would be creating a world where people’s differences and unique needs and abilities were accepted and catered for.

Disability can be such an incredible strength.

There are some things that everybody can do to help support the disability community. You can treat us like people, like just everyday, ordinary people.

We have different types [of] disability. Just treat us how we treat you: not different or special.

My cultural background or the fact that I live with a disability are equally as important as the other. The biggest challenge is not really seeing both of those communities represented authentically. I need to speak up about these things, because they don’t only affect me, but I see how it affects my communities.

As a society, we have to accommodate for all kinds of people, whether we’re neurodiverse or not. I want the same things as everybody else. Financial freedom, financial security, a loving partner to share my life with.

There are still very real stigmas joined to this group. I am hoping that this opportunity will shed some light on the integration of the disability-enabled community and especially our rights to have mainstream relationships.

What’s missing is people like me, talking about experiences and solutions to our experiences and our problems and issues, together. So what drives me in having these intersecting identities is the ability to start the conversation and to continue the conversation.

I think it’s time really for us to actually take our power back, to be given the resources that we need, and to design the solutions ourselves.

I’m proud times two. Proud of my Worimi heritage, but also proud of being a deaf person.

The main reason why I wanted to become an ambassador is to not only inspire people that live with a invisible disability, but to also inspire many young people around the nation.

The biggest thing is seeing that we have so many young people who I think are going to continue making the disability space much more inclusive and that gives me so much hope.

Your disability isn’t a weakness. It’s a strength. It’s really about embracing what you’re good at.

We make Australia a good place.

We’re not made to be uniform. If we were all uniform, the world would not be an interesting place.

Get rid of every assumption that it is about disability. Everyone’s experience with disability is unique.

If you make things easier for people with disability, you make it easier for everybody.

I know in some parts of the education system, there would be a 14-year-old Aboriginal child who’s being told, you can’t cut it. And I’m going: they’re wrong. They’re wrong. You can.

The disability community is incredibly diverse. When you’ve got people who have diverse experiences and who are natural problem-solvers, they make great leaders.

I would never for a second wish my disability away because it has given me so much purpose.

When I think about what I’ve achieved over the last two decades, I really am amazed.

International Day of People with Disability.

The United Nations theme for IDPwD 2023 is ‘United in action to rescue and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for, with and by persons with disabilities.’

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