Sean Skeels and Marley Whatarau

[Image appears of Marley Whatarau cracking an egg into a bowl, and then the image changes to show Marley and Sean Skeels doing a special handshake together and then laughing]

Marley Whatarau: This our dream together. Like I want to help people.

[Image changes to show Sean listening on the right while Marley is talking to the camera on the left]

This our goal.

[Image changes to show a split screen of Sean smiling on the left and Marley pointing at the camera on the right, and text appears: Sean and Marley]

Like we make our videos, make people happy.

[Music plays as image changes to show Marley and Sean smiling giving each other a high five and then Marley talking]

There you go.

[Music plays as image changes to show Sean’s hands tipping a bowl of whisked eggs into a flour mix, and then the image changes to show Sean watching Marley mixing with a wooden spoon]

[Image changes to show Sean’s hands using a spoon to scrape down Marley’s wooden spoon]

My name is Marley.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right, and then Sean talking to the camera while Marley listens, and text appears: Marley Whatarau, IDPwD 2024 Ambassador, Sean Skeels, IDPwD 2024 Ambassador]

We are from Penrith, Sydney.

Sean Skeels: I am Sean.

Marley Whatarau: Say Penrith, Sydney.

Sean Skeels: Penrith, Sydney.

[Music plays and image changes to show Sean and Marley playing UNO outside]

[Image changes to show Marley’s hands holding UNO cards, and then camera pans out to show Sean holding UNO cards and laughing]

Marley Whatarau: I know Sean since primary school.

[Image changes to show Marley celebrating while Sean puts his cards on the table, and then the image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean is listening on the right]

We are best friends, we are close friends.

[Image changes to show Sean talking to the camera on the left while Marley is listening on the right]

Sean Skeels: He is a friend, he always will be.

[Image changes to show a photo of Marley and Sean dressed up with Marley driving a vehicle, and then the image changes to show a photo of Marley and Sean in suits dancing at a party]

Marley Whatarau: We have fun together.

[Image changes to show Marley and Sean at a ‘Colour Run’]

Sean Steels: Yeah, fun.

[Image changes to show the ‘Get Down with Sean and Marley’ website]

Marley Whatarau: Like Get Down with Sean and Marley.

[Image changes to show the TikTok website profile for ‘Get Down With Sean And Marley’ and then the site slowly scrolls down]

Sean Skeels: Yeah, we’ve got four million…

Marley Whatarau: … four million followers with TikTok. We won the TikTok Awards.

[Image changes to show Sean and Marley holding a trophy together, and then the camera zooms in on the TikTok inscription on the trophy]

Sean Skeels: We really loved the TikTok Awards.

[Image changes to show a smartphone filming Sean watching Marley cooking, and then the camera zooms in to the meat frying in the pan, and then Marley helping Sean tip vegetables into the pan]

Marley Whatarau: I love cooking, my teacher, Ms Hooroo, taught us.

[Image changes to show Sean talking to the camera on the left while Marley is listening on the right, and then Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right]

Sean Skeels: I love spaghetti bolognaise.

Marley Whatarau: Spaghetti bolognaise, his favourite.

Sean Skeels: Yeah, favourite.

[Image changes to show Sean and Marley standing and eating, and then the image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right]

Marley Whatarau: We have disabilities, we have Down syndrome. You have to give people a chance.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera]

Have to respect us, like me and Sean.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens and rubs his eyes on the right]

Like we are good and human like you are.

[Image changes to show Sean hitting a fist into his palm while talking to the camera on the left while Marley listens on the right, and then Sean puts his arm around Marley]

Sean Skeels: Yeah, you better. Good on the boys. You did it mate.

[Music plays and image changes to show various views of Marley trying to kick a soccer ball past Sean, and then Sean kicking the ball and then they both celebrate]

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right]

Marley Whatarau: I feel proud of myself and Sean’s self.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera]

We are ambassadors, and we have disabilities.

[Images move through to show Sean laughing with Marley holding the ball, Sean and Marley talking together, and then Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right]

This is our chance, we are good and happy.

[Images move through to show Marley talking to the camera, Sean and Marley talking together in the kitchen, Marley excitedly opening Sean’s bedroom door talking, and then Sean sitting up in bed]

I love this, like talk about disabilities, we’ve got Down syndrome, talk about our social media, YouTube.

[Image changes to show Marley in the Sean’s bedroom doorway talking]

Let’s cook some breakfast.

[Image changes to show Sean sitting up in bed celebrating]

Sean Steels: Breakfast!

[Music plays as image changes to show a video of Marley as Batman and Sean as robin behind a ‘Get Down with Sean and Marley’ title]

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show Marley and Sean smiling at the camera]

Marley Whatarau: Don’t give up, keep pushing. Keep pushing yourself and keep our lives better.

[Music plays and image changes to show Marley and Sean posing as action figures laughing]

[Image changes to show Marley talking on the left, and then Sean talking on the right]

You ready?

Sean Skeels: You ready? Be serious.

[Image changes to show Marley turning and talking to the camera on the left, and then Sean talking on the right]

Marley Whatarau: Alright, let’s do this. Okay, go Sean, I am.

Sean Steels: I am Sean.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera]

Marley Whatarau: I am Marley.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean listens on the right and then they both point to the camera smiling as the camera pans in on Marley]

We are Ambassadors for International Day of People with Disabilities. Hey,

Sean Skeels: Hey.

[Image changes to show Marley talking to the camera on the left while Sean laughs and bows on the right]

Marley Whatarau: Got it?

Producer: We got it.

Marley Whatarau: Hey, we got it!

[Music plays and image changes to show a blue screen with the International Day of People with Disability logo, and text appears:]

Auslan version

Audio Described version

Sean Skeels (he/him) and Marley Whatarau (he/him) are best friends who have bonded through dancing and making cooking videos together. They have gained popularity on Instagram and TikTok through their “Get Down with Sean and Marley’ videos. Last year they received the TikTok for Good Award, which recognises creators who strive to create positive change in their communities.

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