Elevate The Stage 2023 – A Celebration of Unity & Inclusion!

We’re excited to introduce you to Elevate the Stage 2023!

A FREE celebration concert in honor of the UN International Day of People with Disability.

Hosted by Nas Campanella & Kurt Fearnley AM! Prepare to be amazed by our stellar lineup featuring renowned artists, such as Paulini, John Foreman, Paul Nunnari, Mike on Wheels, Amelia Farrugia, DJ Matt Medcalfe, Tim McCallum, and many more!

This is a FREE concert event you won’t want to miss.

Elevate the Stage is your gateway to a more inclusive and harmonious Australia. We are proud hosts of the inaugural celebration concert for the UN International Day of People with Disability, an event that promises to be a beacon of unity, acceptance, and diversity.

Our vision for the inaugural celebration concert is to make it the national pinnacle of celebration events. With an impressive gathering of 1,000 guests and community leaders, this event promises to be a testament to the power of togetherness.

Elevate the Stage is committed to bringing the best of Australian talent to the forefront, ensuring a diverse and inclusive program that will leave you spellbound. Our aim is not just to create a remarkable event this year but to cultivate a tradition of excellence that continues to grow in stature and quality into the future!

And that’s not all. Elevate the Stage is in discussions to share the joy and inspiration with the entire nation. We are actively working towards live streaming the concert, so everyone across Australia can partake in this incredible celebration of unity.

Doors open at 3pm

Grand Ballroom | International Convention Centre Sydney | Darling Harbour
14 Darling Drive, Sydney NSW 2000


For more information visit our website: https://www.elevatethestage.com.au/

Accessibility Details:
At Elevate the Stage, accessibility is at the heart of our approach, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate and enjoy our events. We are committed to providing inclusive experiences and creating a more accessible, harmonious Australia. Our accessibility features are available here for your convenience


Contact details:
For more information, please visit our website www.elevatethestage.com.au or contact us on elevatethestage@gmail.com