Australian Government supports the 2018 NESA Conference and the Innovation in Disability Employment Award, 8 & 9 August 2018
National Employment Services Association (NESA) is the peak body for Australia’s contracted Employment Services sector. NESA delivers tailored, market-specific policy support and guidance, advisory services, programme design, professional development and capacity-building. Members include not-for-profit and private organisations who offer jobactive, Disability Employment Services (DES), the Community Development Programme (CDP), and other complementary programmes.
The Australian Government, through the Department of Social Services via JobAccess, supported the 2018 NESA Conference and the Innovation in Disability Employment Award. JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers. The service makes it easier for people with disability to find a job and helps employers to better support people with disability.
2018 NESA National Conference
The 2018 NESA Conference, “Inspiring Progress – Building agility and resilience through focussed leadership” brought together 328 attendees in Brisbane from 8-9 August 2018, predominantly from employment service providers (including disability employment service providers).
The Conference provided delegates the opportunity to attend plenary and workshop sessions that explored current issues, global trends and the broader policy environment shaping the employment services sector.
Exhibitors included recruiters, providers of Human Resources software solutions, and workforce training and capacity building consultants.
The former Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, the Hon Jane Prentice MP and the former Shadow Minister for Employment Services, Workforce Participation and Future of Work, the Hon Ed Husic MP, addressed the conference and highlighted the hard work of the employment services sector and the invaluable contribution of employment to an individual’s wellbeing, the economy and Australian society.
View the Event Information.
2018 NESA Awards for Excellence
NESA hosted its Annual Dinner and Awards for Excellence in Employment Services, which was a lively celebration of the wonderful work NESA’s members do every day, helping disadvantaged Australians overcome barriers and find jobs that suit their skills and abilities.
Supported by JobAccess through the Department of Social Services, the Innovation in Disability Employment – Team Award went to Tradco Pty Ltd for its work partnering with the Royal Society for the Blind to employ five people with visual impairment.
The 2018 International Day of People with Disability Patron, Gerrard Gosens OAM, presented the Award to Tradco, a business that provides architects, builders, interior designers and home owners with traditional and contemporary designed architectural hardware. Tradco was recognised for its training and mentoring systems, simple workplace adjustments and job design to create inclusive employment opportunities. Tradco was also praised for being a prime example of how businesses can successfully employ people with disability with minimal outlay and very positive results.