Australian Government supports 2018 AHRI Inclusion and Diversity Conference, 3 May 2018
The Australian HR Institute (AHRI) is the national association representing human resource and people management professionals.
The Inclusion and Diversity Conference creates a platform to bring the best diversity and inclusion practice in the world to professionals who can take that back to the workplace.
The Australian Government, through the Department of Social Services, supported the 2018 AHRI Inclusion and Diversity Conference.
At the 2018 AHRI Inclusion and Diversity Conference, attendees learnt:
- how to integrate inclusion and diversity into their organisation
- about changing traditional workplace attitudes
- how to leverage inclusion and diversity principles to build a sustainable business model
The conference showcased insightful data and the experiences of business and diversity thought leaders to its 325 attendees.
Julia Gillard AC, Chair of beyondblue and former Prime Minister of Australia, provided the opening comments and the keynote address at the conference.
Peter Broadhead, Branch Manager, Disability Employment Services at the Department of Social Services delivered an address on disability employment reform, ‘Improving the social and economic participation of people with disability’.
Staff from JobAccess – the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers – hosted a JobAccess information table, displaying a PowerPoint presentation on the services available, distributing leaflets and signing up delegates to receive the bi-monthly newsletter.
- Event information
- Insights video